Monday, May 17, 2010

Time for Everything!

Do you ever feel like there is never enough time?  I know I'm not the only one out there that feels like time is never on one's side.  It's amazing that whether you're in the past, present or future, time is always flying by.  Time is the theme of this post.  I'll start with the future, and work my way back.....

For all of those future weddings I am going to book, I am continuing to work on the painting for Hello Darling.  I am approaching a section that I've not quite encountered with my other pieces before.  The succulent in the center has so much yummy texture that I will likely surprise myself with the process and result.  I love surprises!

On to the weddings of today....  This weekend I made another fabulous florist connection.  As luck would have it, I made this connection because of a new painting I will be creating for a family aquaintance.  It's a mother to a son gift, and I couldn't be happier with all of the pieces involved that go into making a Reenie Rose painting come to life.  First of all, let's go back to the fabulous florist. 
This past Friday, I drove all the way up to Lake in the Hills (in traffic) to find some fresh talent in the Northwest suburbs.  Grapevine Floral has newly relocated to a space that covers about 4,000 sq ft where the creativity has room to spread out and grow.  Trish was an absolute gem to work with, and I'm really looking forward to starting a working relationship with her and her clients.  I think this is the start to a beautiful friendship.
The other super great part of this wedding puzzle is the bouquet itself.  It is a gorgeous arrangement of COLOR!  No offense to the all white bouquet brides, but when I get a bouquet with some eye-popping color in it, it is a joyous occasion. 

And, finally...the past.  Today marks the day that my wonderful parents have been married for 35 years.  They are the people in my life that make all of this possible through their encouragement and constant support.  When you are working in the wedding industry, accomplishments like 35 years of marriage make any aspect of the business so much more worth it.  Thank you to my mom and dad for making everything so much more worth it.

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