Wednesday, September 4, 2013

New Sticker Art for Eleanor

This weekend was full of special deliveries of custom Loreen work for dear friends of mine.  If you peaked on Facebook/Instagram, you may have seen me tapping back into my sticker roots.  Some of you may not know how deep those roots go.  Well let me tell you....back to bad perms and glasses deep:

At my cottage in Wisconsin, besides crafting when the weather was icky, we traded stickers.  We would take an extensive amount of time to setup these elaborate "sticker stores", trade a few here and there and be done in a fraction of the time it took to setup.  All the same, we loved much that I still have my collection to this day.

Mostly this was done with a couple of neighbor girls, but we did have one boy in the group because his sister was also in the trade.  It was only appropriate that when Brian and Rachel had their baby girl Eleanor that they get a special sticker piece for Eleanor's room.

I was so thrilled to get to meet Eleanor for the first time too!

I am so lucky to be able to put my little stamp on Eleanor's life and get to watch her grow up...and eventually share stories with her about sticker trading with her daddy.



  1. So cute and so special......a great gift for an adorable little girl and her fabulous parents!Boy.....will we have stories to tell her about her daddy....all good of course!

  2. Oh my goodness! Sticker trading sends me back to what I call my "Lisa Frank days" =) I LOVE this project!

    1. Oh good old Lisa Frank. I still have quite a pile of those too!
